
MODBIT 45/80-55

Polimerais modifikuotas bitumas MODBIT 45/80-55 naudojamas kelių statyboje gaminant asfaltinį cementą (AC), skirtą visoms bituminėms kelių dangoms, akmens mastikos asfaltui (SMA) ir ploniems viršutiniams sluoksniams, įrengiamiems karšto klojimo technologijos būdu. Atitinka PN-EN 14023:2011/Ap1:2014-04 standarto reikalavimus.

Parameter Unit of measurement Value Parameter class Determination method
Penetration at 25°C 1/10 mm 45-80 4 PN-EN 1426
Softening point °C ≥ 55 7 PN-EN 1427
Ductility J/cm2 ≥3 at 5°C 4 PN-EN 13589 
PN-EN 13703
Mass change after ageing % m/m ≤ 0,5 3 PN-EN 12607-1
Remaining penetration at 25°C % ≥ 60 7 PN-EN 12607-1
PN-EN 1426
Increase of a softening point after ageing °C ≤ 8 2 PN-EN 12607-1 
PN-EN 1427
Flash-point °C ≥ 235 3 PN-EN 13398
Fraas breaking point °C ≤ -12 6 PN-EN 12593
Elastic recovery at 25°C % ≥ 50 5 PN-EN 13398
Plasticity interval °C TBR 1 PN-EN 14023
Storage stability - difference at a softening piont °C ≤ 5 2 PN-EN 13398
PN-EN 1427
Drop of a softening point after ageing °C TBR 1 PN-EN 12607-1
PN-EN 1427
Elastic recovery at 25°C after ageing °% ≥ 50 4 PN-EN 12607-1
PN-EN 1427
Density at 15°C   g/cm3 TBR -

ASTM D-3289 or
PN-EN ISO 3838